Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Alumni Board Meeting Minutes from January 22, 2009

Alumni Board Meeting
January 22, 2009


Jeff DuBois, Bob Jennings, Ken Butler, Don Stenta, John Barta, George Gornall, John Waggoner, Brad Griffith, Bob Barnett, Sean Mittelman, Tom Vetter, Scott Dudis, Jim Oliver

Undergraduate Update
i. Current manpower- 110
ii. Winter quarter- goal of 30 new members, 19 new members so far
iii. BM Scholarship banquet was very successful
i. Undergrad website has been completely revamped
ii. New member packets have been developed to be given to new members
iii. Chapter evaluations were completed to let the E-board know the chapter’s opinions
i. Curiosity about the parlor fees have been expressed by anonymous members
ii. Ken to create a summary of expenses for anyone interested
iii. Alumni board and UG to meet with OSU to discuss budget for upcoming year- 1/28
Member Development
i. Sound body fitness tests coming up- 1/24
ii. Sigma and Phi challenges progressing well
iii. Epsilon challenge helping members transition from college to the professional world
iv. 16 members attending Carlson Leadership Academy in Chicago
v. Upcoming issue of Journal will feature chapter profile on house
vi. Information is being compiled on undergraduates looking for alumni mentors
i. Autumn Quarter 2008 chapter GPA: 3.36- ranked 3rd
ii. 14 brothers on academic probation
Other announcements
i. Sean has been hired as a new regional director
ii. Scott honored at the Balanced Man Scholarship Banquet as Balanced Man of the Year
iii. Regional recruitment seminar hosted by at OSU- 1/24- 15 chapters attending

Advisor Report- Don
Rich Hollingsworth Retirement
i. Rich would like more information on what would be required from him in becoming a Renaissance Brother
ii. Various AB members will take Rich to lunch in the near future to discuss in more detail
Alumni Contact Information
i. Kay Baker- OSU Alumni Association- was contacted about looking up SigEp alumni contact information
ii. Kay is able to compile all registered information if we supply a list of names

House Issues
Stair treads are coming off
Water damage needs to be revisited with OSU
Ice machine is broken again

Alumni Board Business
Fundraising with undergrads- UG’s would like to partner with alumni to have “call party” for donations
Winter formal- UG’s would like to continue joint winter formal with alumni- winter 2010
Insurance discount- UG’s will incorporate program either WI or SP quarter to qualify for discount

Ohio Gamma Foundation
Now over $400,000 including pledges
Next AB Meeting- 2/26/09- 5:30pm